Teri Drobnick’s debut picture book, Moving Day, comes out March 11. Learn more about Teri, her writing process, and how to pre-order her book.
Hand-Lettered Inspiration for Writers and Illustrators
Today I’m inspired by the book Love Lettering by Kate Clayborn. In one chapter, the main characters are walking around NYC looking for hand-lettered signs. As a game, they attempt to find and take photos of letters from different signs to spell one another’s names. This made me think of…
Cover Reveal for Fungi are…More Than Mushrooms
I’m practically jumping up and down with joy to share the cover of my next book with you! Didn’t the illustrator do an amazing job?! Vivien’s illustrations are even more charming than I could ever have imagined. That’s why I focus on the words and allow editors and other professionals…
Author Interview with Jessica Fries-Gaither
I’m so excited to bring you the first author interview of a series that I’ll be sharing in my newsletter and blog! Sign up for my newsletter so you don’t miss a single interview! Please welcome my critique partner and friend, Jessica Fries-Gaither, to tell us about her recently published…
Practicing Syncopation in Elementary School
There are many fun ways for students to practice syncopation, and each one focuses on a different aspect to help them internalize the concept and be able to transfer their knowledge to a variety of repertoire. A few ideas include: Sing the song or target phrase with lyrics. Sing the…
Alcitrón with a modified cup game
It seems like most elementary music teachers right now are teaching at least some virtual lessons. We’re also faced with social distancing, which complicates most of the games we’d normally play during class. That’s why I recommend using the song Alcitrón for your lessons. Here are a few reasons to…

18 more rhythm examples for ’18
As we close out 2018, here’s a gift of eighteen more folk song rhythm examples. Simply click on the individual titles to see the music and save them, or go to the Rhythm page to see an alphabetical list of all the folk song rhythm examples available and save the…
Book Review: Born to Swing
Book: Born to Swing: Lil Hardin Armstrong’s Life in Jazz Author: Mara Rockliff Illustrator: Michele Wood Publisher: Calkins Creek, 2018 ISBN: 978-1-62979-555-3 Whenever I heard the name Armstrong, I always thought of Louis, until I read this book! Lil Hardin was a pianist in The New Orleans Creole Jazz Band playing at the Dreamland in…
Fall Folk Song Refresh
If you’re anything like me, you’re always on the lookout for a folk song gem to use in the classroom. Rotating a song into your repertoire while giving another one a break every once in a while can be refreshing. One of these songs might be just what you’re looking…