I’m practically jumping up and down with joy to share the cover of my next book with you! Didn’t the illustrator do an amazing job?! Vivien’s illustrations are even more charming than I could ever have imagined. That’s why I focus on the words and allow editors and other professionals to take over from there. The hardcover book can be pre-ordered from the publisher right now, and from other retailers soon. There will also be an e-book available.

I’d love to book some school visits in the spring to celebrate this new book! If you’ve never seen me present, check out the two videos I posted on my website to see snippets of two different presentations: https://alishagabriel.com/school-visits/
Book: Fungi are…More Than Mushrooms
Author: Alisha Gabriel
Illustrator: Vivien Sárkány
Publisher: Tielmour Press
ISBN: 9781998426089
Forthcoming: March, 15 2025
See more of Vivien’s beautiful work at: https://www.instagram.com/viviensarkany/