It’s so exciting to teach meter to first graders. They’re curious about everything, and when I tell them that the “big kids” know something, they want to learn it even more. One of the most helpful songs for teaching meter is “Bounce High, Bounce Low.” The students form loose circles…
Category: Visual Aids

The Encounter Newsletter
The Encounter is a free quarterly newsletter published by Kodály Educators of Texas (KET). If you’ve never read the Encounter, wonderful information is included, from book reviews, special topics, tech time, upcoming workshop announcements, training program reports, and more. It’s free, and if you share it with a friend, you’re…
Bulletin Board Giveaway!
The new school year is upon us and I’ve been crafting new bulletin board headers to spice up the area outside my door. You can enter to win a set of your own scrap-booked bulletin board headers. It’s in 2 pieces, 6″ x 12″ each. I’ll include a few pieces of coordinating…
Tongo – Polynesian Canoe Song
This awesome folk song has multiple uses. Its pentatonic range of low la up to la (la, do re mi so la) allows teachers to use it with multiple grade levels. The syncopated rhythms and dotted quarter note and eighth note rhythms make it engaging for upper elementary as well….
Differentiation in the Elementary Music Classroom
Differentiation. It’s a word we hear in staff development all the time and most music teachers probably think, “I differentiate instruction to meet the needs of the students in every class!” Although it’s true that we do this through our activities, I’ve never done it with worksheets. However, considering all…
Hogs in the Cornfield – the first song request!
Here’s a big “Thank you” to Lori for suggesting a song to post. It was a good choice, too! Not only is Hogs in the Cornfield a useful song, but it’s a fun game for the students to play. Here are a few ways that I use Hogs in the…

Song Requests?
As a holiday gift to music teachers everywhere, I would like to open the floor for song suggestions. Is there a song you’d love to see posted as a .jpg for your visual aids? Just leave a comment with the song title and the most useful format for your song….